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Create Virtual Router

Create Virtual Router

  • A virtual router between virtual and physical networks provides access to public networks, such as the Internet, for VMs connected to this virtual network.
  • A virtual router between different virtual networks provides network communication for VMs connected to these virtual networks.

Step 1: Go to Compute > Routers in the Self-Service Panel and click Add Router.

Step 2: In the Add virtual router window:
Name the router —N2-router, assign public network as external, and N2-private as internal. Click ‘Create’.

On the Network dropdown menu, select an available public network through which public networks will be accessed.

Select the SNAT checkbox to allow VMs in the private network to communicate with the Internet.

In the Add Internal Interfaces section, select the created private network as an internal interface for the router.

You can view the router you created on the dashboard. Additionally, you have the option to rename or delete the router, and you can also add a network interface to it.

Adding Interface to the Router

In the Add interface window, select a network to connect to the router from the Network drop-down menu. The new interface will attempt to use the gateway IP address of the selected virtual network by default. If it is in use, specify an unused IP address from the selected virtual network to assign to the interface in the IP address field.

Click Add.

Removing Router Interface

  1. Select the interface you want to remove.
  2. Click the ellipsis icon next to it, and then click Delete.
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