How to add volume to VM
After attaching the volume please run the below commands to print the portions, portion types and available disks on the VM.
df -HT

in the above image, we have vdb volume attached to the VM.
1. Create a Partition on the Disk
Launch fdisk
for the disk:fdisk /dev/vdb
Inside fdisk
Press n
to create a new partition.
Choose p
for a primary partition.
Accept the default values for the first and last sectors (or customize as needed).
Press w
to write the changes and exit.

2. Format the Partition
Format the new partition (/dev/vdb1
, assuming the first partition is created) with a filesystem like ext4
or xfs
For ext4
mkfs.ext4 /dev/vdb1

For xfs
mkfs.xfs /dev/vdb1
3. Create a Mount Point
Create a directory where you want to mount the new partition:
mkdir /mnt/newdisk
4. Mount the Partition
Mount the partition to the directory:
mount /dev/vdb1 /mnt/newdisk
5. Verify the Mount
df -HT

6. Make the Mount Permanent
To ensure the partition mounts automatically on reboot:
1. Get the UUID of the partition:
blkid /dev/vdb1
Example output:
[root@cloudpe ~]# blkid /dev/vdb1
/dev/vdb1: UUID="26503f62-8c8f-4564-a2d3-3db97ff08f3a" TYPE="ext4" PARTUUID="b3f5f32c-01"
2. Edit /etc/fstab
and add the following line:
Replace your-uuid-here
with the actual UUID and ext4
with your chosen filesystem.
UUID=26503f62-8c8f-4564-a2d3-3db97ff08f3a /mnt/newdisk ext4 defaults 0 0
3.Test the fstab configuration:
mount -a
You’re done! The disk is now partitioned, formatted, mounted, and set up for persistent mounting.